Induction Loop Systems The system is made up two parts, the induction loop itself that is usually a high quality single strand copper wire and an amplifier. Systems can be as small as for a single room or they can be linked or bridged to cover larger and more complex facilities. The size of the space to be looped will determine the size and length of the wire loop, as well as the power level of the amplifier.The public address system, TV or other broadcast source is attached to the looping system amplifier. The looping system amplifier sends the broadcast signal through the looping wire creating a magnetic energy field that can be picked up by tele or t-coils. Tele-Coils and Hearing Assistive Devices Also referred to as a “t-switch” or “t-coil”, these are tiny coils of wire that when in the presence of a changing magnetic field – such as those created by an induction loop, induce a small electric current. That small current is then processed by and transmitted as sound directly to the listener through the speaker in the hearing assistive device. This system bypasses the microphone and amplification function of the device, allowing listeners to hear a broadcast media, without having to deal with the background noise and other competing sounds. First utilized to make phone technology more accessible to hearing aid wearers, the newer technology supports a wide range of applications. Applications and Benefit Any area from a home theatre, to movie theatres, to airports, to local churches, gymnasiums, concert halls and walk up banking sites can be looped. Even taxi cabs have can be looped! Looping is a cost effective way to make more precise hearing available. Not only will communication for everyday sounds improve, but the value of also having an area looped in the case of emergency situations, is priceless.